CommTech’s Lecturers

CommTech’s lecturers are accomplished instructors, they bring unparalleled expertise and industry experience, combined with exceptional academic excellence.

This is the greatest factor distinguishing CommTech from other training companies.

Oren Hartal

Oren Joined RAPAEL-Israel’s Armamaent Development Authority in 1966, served as a team leader and EMC Section head, Head of the Electro-Magnetics Department and Directorate. Finally, Chief Scientist, till 2005. He also was a UN expert to INDIA on EMC.Presently
Oren is EMC/EMI Designer and Consultant. Providing services on EMC and ELF magnetic fields to many industrial and engineering organizations and to government agencies. Conducting courses on EMC topics in Israel and abroad.
Oren Holdes a BSc, and MScEE from the Technion-The Israel Institute of Technology
Oren is author of the book “EMC by Design” Senior member of SIEEE, Certified srvice provider by the ministry of environmental protection, and has Awards and recognition from RAPHAEL, IEEE and SIEEE.

Michael Nikishin

Mr. Michael Nikishin is an EMC and Radio group manager in Hermon Labs. He is an expert in EMC and Radio products certification and approval according to variety of national and international standards, test and measurement methodologies and international accreditation programs.

Over the years he provided lectures in multiple EMC seminars and training programs.

Michael holds an MScEE from Technical University of Moldova.

Shmuel Miller Ph.D.

Dr. Shmuel Y. Miller is a Sr. Lecturer and Head of the EE Department at the OBC.
He was executive vice president of systems & solutions of Celletra Ltd., a company that provides advanced radio coverage and capacity enhancements for cellular networks. His previous positions were vice president at MARS Antennas and vice president at Geotek.
During the past fifteen years his main activities have been on analysis and design of enhancements for cellular radio networks, linearization technologies and radio distribution systems.
Dr. Miller received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences and Systems (EE Dept.) from Princeton University.
Dr. Miller is a coauthor of over 20 patents and patent-filing and co-author of “CDMA Radio with Repeaters,” book, Springer NY 2007.

Prof. Arie Reichman

Dr. Reichman is an expert in Wireless and Satellite Communication, and an experienced lecturer. He served as Adjunct Professor at the Tel-Aviv and Bar-Ilan universities and is currently serving as a Senior Lecturer at the Rupin Academic Center.
Dr. Reichman was the manager of the TAU Advance Communication Center, and Co-founder of Shiron Satellite Communication Ltd, and served as the CTO of the company. He also served as Chief Scientist, headed the R&D Dept at the Tadiran Communications Group and held senior positions in various CSO Israeli consortiums: Digital Communications, Software Radio and REMON, 4G Wireless Communications.
Arie was granted the Israel Defense Prize and is a senior member of the IEEE.
Dr. Reichman earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and B.Sc. (summa cum laude) and M.Sc. from the Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology.

Prof. Ely Levine

Prof. Ely Levine is a well known expert in antennas and radio engineering. He holds a BSEE and a MSEE degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Haifa, Israel and PhD in applied physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Prof. Levine held senior development positions in leading electronics companies (Elta, Elop and others).
He joined Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel Aviv in 2006 where he teaches Communications, Antennas, Microwave systems and components, Wireless radio and Radar systems.
He published more than 65 papers and conference proceedings and co-authored two books.

Dan Elad Ph.D.

Dr. Elad is a known expert in microwave and mmW technologies for wireless communication, radar and imaging fields. He holds a BSEE and MSEE degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Haifa Israel and PhD together with the Dept. of Reliability and Quality Assurance in the Technion.
He managed several technical research groups including Rafael, IBM and other companies and evolved and lead the development various advanced architectures and systems in frequency range of Sband to the THz (2000GHz) . In recent years, Dr. Elad has served as a Radar research fellow in an automotive radar chip company. He published more than 90 papers and conference proceedings and submitted more than 50 patents.

Dr. Elad is teaching Microwave systems and passive, Microwave active components, Wireless radio and Radar systems.

Moshe Ben Ayun Ph.D.

Dr. Moshe Ben Ayun is an expert in Wireless, Radio Engineering, Communication, and an experienced lecturer. His career spans over 36 years in the wireless communications space in various roles.

31 years Motorola experience starting from R&D engineer, leading R&D teams and managing the RF CTO office. He also served as VP headed the R&D Department at Geotech. He joined Ariel University in 2013 where he teaches Communications, RF, Wireless Radio, Microwave systems and RF IC design.

From 2014 he also serves as a referent in the Israel Innovation Authority.

He Hold 70 granted patents and published more than 20 papers.

He holds a B.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ben Gurion University, a M.Sc.  in Electrical Engineering from the Tel-Aviv University and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Ariel University.

Zeev Iluz Ph.D.

From 2002 to 2006, Zeev Iluz worked at ELTA  (IAI Company) as an antenna engineer developing phased array antennas for radar and communication.
From 2006 to 2009, he was with ALVARION developing antennas for MIMO communication, both base station and indoor antennas.
In 2013 he joined CST AG in Darmstadt, Germany, as an application engineer.
Zeev Iluz received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical and computer engineering in 2000 and 2002, from Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Dr. Zeev Iluz received the Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tel-Aviv University.
His thesis focuses on the design and characterization of nano-antennas for the infrared and optical ranges with applications in novel sensors and energy harvesting

Yair Shapira Ph.D.

Dr. Yair Shapira is an expert in wireless application and services, covering technological as well as market aspects of the wireless world.
Yair is credited for the inception and development of ground-breaking systems for service providers, having served over 12 years in executive positions and as a consultant for various technology solution vendors in Israel and abroad.
Yair Shapira is a vivid lecturer and writer, invited to speak in prestigious conferences, and contribute to leading journals.
Dr. Shapira earned his Ph.D. from the Technion in the fields of signal analysis and pattern recognition, and B.A. in physics and mathematics from the Hebrew University (“Talpiot”).

Ronit Nossenson Ph.D.

Dr. Ronit Nossenson is a wireless technology expert with a proven track record in the Academia as a researcher and lecturer, and hands-on experience in the telecom industry.
Dr. Nossenson earned her Ph.D., MsC and BsC (Cum Laude) from the Technion, Computer Science Department.
Dr. Nossenson was Senior Researcher at Flash Networks Served as the company wireless technology leader.
Presently she lectures at the Technion, Computer Science Department and the IDC, and provides wireless technology consulting services to Research and Development departments, as well as to academic institutions, venture capital funds and cellular operators.

Pinchas Ziv Ph.D.

Pinchas Ziv has extensive experience and involvement in wireless technology protocols, product direction, product architecture, and engineering management and design of telecommunication systems and related products.
Pinchas has led the architecture and design of a wide variety of wireline and wireless communication systems and products. Multiple infrastructures, such as Short Range Wireless, Cable TV, LAN, WAN and proprietary wireless were used for systems and products that were architected under his direction.
In the last years Pinchas acts as a consulting architect specializing in Media Access Control Protocols and Security standards used in the implementation of wireless Industrial Control SCADA system and related IoT products.
 Pinchas holds a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA-University of Sothern California majoring in communication technologies.

Reuven Shavit Ph.D.

Dr. Reuven Shavit joined in 1994 the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, where he is currently Assoc. Professor and is responsible for the microwave and antennas research effort.
Dr. Shavit was associated with the Israeli M.O.D and was involved in a numerous antenna and microwave projects.
He taught various electromagnetic courses at the Tel-Aviv University and worked in the Electronic Space Systems Corporation, Concord, MA., U.S.A on antenna and radome designs. He also consulted on microwave and antenna projects to various Israeli and American companies. Dr. Shavit is a Senior Member of IEEE
Reuven Shavit received B.Sc.(E.E.), and M.Sc.(E.E.) degrees, from the Technion, Haifa, Israel and Ph.D degree from UCLA, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Aaron Satt Ph.D.

Dr. Aharon Satt is a communication technology expert, serving in key industrial positions for over 20 years.
Dr. Satt Cofounded and served as the CTO of CellGlide Ltd., the company that developed optimization solutions for mobile data networks. Prior to CellGlide he held the position of Chief Scientist and Chief Technology Officer at Vocaltec Ltd. the company that “invented IP Telephony”. In his capacity as CTO and chief scientist, Aharon led large-scale R&D for the mobile and the VoIP industries and managed projects and trials with large mobile operators worldwide.
Dr. Satt earned his Ph.D. from the Technion, in the field of Information Theory and Signal Processing. His B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, are also from the Technion-The Israel Institute of Technology.

Yossi Tsfaty

Mr. Yossi Tsfaty has more than 18 years experience in the Telecom industry. Previously, Yossi held the office of CTO and Strategic Marketing Manager of Texas Instruments (TI) Mobile Connectivity Solution (MCS) and 3G and 4G business units, responsible for New Technology Definition and IP creation, prior to that, Yossi was the RF and PHY Department Manger in TI. Prior to joining TI, Yossi was project manager at an MOD Agency, CTO and System Architecture Manager at Radwin, Modem Project Manager at Telegate, and served at the IDF Technological Unit of the Intelligence. Currently, Yossi Tsafty is VP R&D of Ivirtus, Ltd. Mr. Tsfaty holds a B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering and an M.Sc degree, both with honors, from Tel-Aviv University and holds 10 patents with seven more pending patents.

Itay Sherman

Mr. Itay Sherman has over 20 years of experience in creation and development of telecommunication standards. Mr. sherman has been the Chief Technology Officer of modu for the last 3 years, pioneer in modular handset concept. Before joining the founding team of modu, he held multiple lead positions at Texas-Instruments (NSDQ: TXN) in the creation, standardization and development of TI Cable, WLAN, BT & DTV technology. Prior to leaving TI, Mr. Sherman served as the CTO for the worldwide Mobile Connectivity Solutions group, and as a member of the TI Israel management team. Mr. Sherman also served as director of marketing at Libit, a pioneer in cable modem technology which was acquired by TI in 1999.
Mr. Sherman has been manager of an elite R&D group in the IDF. Mr. Sherman is currently serving as a consultant to several industry leading companies in Israel & US and is the CEO of DoubleTouch a technology startup that developed a low cost multi touch solution, for mobile and consumer devices.
Mr. Sherman holds M.Sc. in Bio Medical Engineering and B.Sc. in electrical engineering from Tel-Aviv University both with honors.
Mr. Sherman has extensive experience in IP creation with over 10 accepted patents and over 60 pending submissions to date.

Amnon Gafni

Mr. Amnon Gafni worked at ELTA Systems Ltd (a group and subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries) for more than 40 years; ELTA is one of Israel’s leading defense electronics companies and a global leader in the field of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR), Early Warning and Control, Homeland Security (HLS), Self-Protection and Self-Defense, and Fire Control applications.
During his tenure at Elta. Mr Gafni served as Microwave Engineer, R&D Manager of ELTA, Head of Elta’s Active ECM department and Manager of various EW Projects. Mr. Gafni gained operational experience while serving as a technical officer in the Israeli Signal Corps. Mr. Gafni lectures on the subject of wave propagation at the Afeka academy in Tel Aviv.
Mr. Gafni holds a B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.

Uri Vered

Uri Vered has 5 decades of experience in RF. Uri served 25 years as Vice President TIL Defense Systems Ltd. Uri specializes in defense studies and operation research, has developed planning tools and simulations for EW, EMC/RFI, Wave propagation and Communication.
Prior to his position in TIL, Uri served 25 years in the IDF as R&D engineer mainly in developing Communication Jamming systems, then Head of technical branch and up to head of the Electronics and EW division (Col. Res.) in the IMOD.
Uri’s technical experience is mainly in EW, ECCM, wave propagation, spectrum and RFI, he provides seminars in these subjects and has published two books: on COMJAM and on Wave propagation. Uri has gained the Israel Defense Award.
Uri holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and MBA from Tel Aviv university

Oded Feder

Mr. Oded Feder has over 20 years of experience in the fields of satellite communications and digital broadcasting technologies.
For the last 8 years he is a private consultant for many Israeli leading companies as IAI, Ministry of Communications, The second television authority, Mekorot, Spacecom, ELTA, etc.
Oded is a well known lecturer in the field of Satellite Communications. He served as CEO and Board Member of A.T. Communication Channels (ATCC). The Company provided engineering planning and consulting services in a variety of matters in the field of Satellite Communications. During this period Oded was personally highly involved in the following:
  • The shaping and design of the payload of the Israeli Satellite Amos1.
  • Performing International frequency coordination, on behalf of MOC and the satellite owners, of the satellites Amos1 and Amos2
  • Planning and design of the Transmission Plan of the satellite.
  • Planning and design of an IDF Hub Earth Station “Seventh Heaven” project. Performing satellite coverage tests for Telenor Norway.
  • Planning and performing In Orbit Tests (IOT) of Intelsat, LMI, and Amos 1 satellites for various service providers in Israel.
  • Performing Earth Station approval tests for granting access to the Eutelsat, Intelsat and Amos space segments.
Oded holds MBA Degree in Business Administration from the Tel Aviv University and B.Sc. Degree in Electronics Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

Israel Fermon

Israel Fermon has many years of entrepreneurial, R&D and executive management experience.
Israel Co-founded and served as President and CEO of Nomad Access Inc., specializing in mobile data optimization solutions. Nomad Access developed cellular network Radio Resource Allocation and Scheduling Algorithms, and Dynamic simulation tools for planning and optimizing the performance of mobile data networks.
Israel served 12 years at Rafael – as an engineer and obtained increasingly senior positions in the Electronic Warfare and Communications divisions, including system engineer, project manager and head of the EW department research group.
Israel has Extensive experience in RF and Microwave development and Deep knowledge of the cellular technologies and the 3GPP2/3GPP standards.
Israel Fermon is the founder and owner CommTech Knowledge, Ltd. and the C.E.O of Commtech Academy
Israel holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology